Personal Branding (Not Bragging) for Venture Capital GPs

Your VC brand significantly impacts your ability to win quality deals and secure the best LPs. Why? Because GPs who foster a powerful #personalbrand more effectively validate their authority, earn more credibility, and—most importantly—attract the attention of investors and founders.

Strut's Marketing Director, Kayla Liederbach, and marketing strategy expert, Brian Dema, share actionable steps you can take to build a brand that sticks and stands out.


  • Discover why personal branding is critical for your success and how you can create a personal brand that is authentic to YOU.

  • Learn how to leverage your unique qualities to lead with ideas that effectively resonate with your audience.

  • Get insights into the tips, tricks, platforms, and best content mediums to use for expert branding execution.

Here's the Recap


  • Stay authentic. It starts with you: embrace your unique personality rather than trying to fit a mold. Personal branding is not bragging—it's about sharing your valuable insights to build credibility without being self-promotional. When choosing what to write, find whitespace in your sector or stage. Think through what you are uniquely able to talk about in a unique way.

  • Choose your platforms strategically. Are you more of an extroverted speaker/networker who would excel attending or hosting events, or would you prefer to write behind the scenes?  Play to your strengths, and do whatever you will actually continue on a regular basis. Most importantly, just get started!

  • Break things down into bite-size pieces. Create quick-turn forms of content that you can produce regularly rather than long pieces. And get it done for you—build a team of outsourcers and writers that can help get it across the finish line. It's about consistency and building momentum over time.

  • Think through distribution. Before you post your pieces on your blog, submit them to the media as contributed content. VC is made for PR—build your relationships with journalists so that you are the one they call when they need a quote. Break down pieces to use across mediums and social media to maximize impact.

  • It's not about you. Make your portfolio companies the star of the show—use your personal brand to amplify their stories. By doing so, you will also strengthen your own reputation as a successful and supportive investor in the VC ecosystem. Also, the best way to get media attention is to comment on trends/news/happenings outside of your fund (see more from Brian on this here). For social media, it doesn't all have to be original thought.